



5-stage pipelined CPU (VHDL)

During the Fall 2021 semester, I designed and implemented a 5-stage pipelined ARM CPU with Hazard Detection and Register Forwarding. The image above is from Computer Organization and Design ARM Edition (textbook). The HDL for this project can be found here in this repo!

Advent of Code and other competition programming

I enjoy coding (what a surprise) here's my repo of all of my advent of code solutions. (2022 and 2021) Here's the repo!


Won second place in MITRE's Summer eCTF! I worked on a five student team to implement a secure firmware boot loader (C) + host tools (Python) suite and attack other teams' designs to gain points. My impact was mainly through partner-coding a lot of the boot loader implementation, then focused on side channel attacks during the attack phase.

Textbook Exchange Network

Created several features for Textbook Exchange Network (TEN) such as the Django backend for price recommendations, inventory taking, and a pre-sell form for drop-off listings. I also managed both the Software Engineering and founded the Data Engineering Team, leading and designing many tasks across the backend and the Postgres database. The feature shown in the video is an isbn "autofill" feature on our main sell flow. Code sharable upon request. Our public page can be found here.

Onshape Colab

Created a python package. with an intuitive interface to control Onshape Assemblies through the Onshape API using transformation matrices. Also created a second package as a wrapper to make the Onshape API accessible with a Google Colab Snippets Library.

This Website

:) Code can be found here.



This a pocket sized, 9V powered pocket amp. This amp fits in musicians pocket and was built to work along with the Electric Violin, so a musician can practice and hear their playing fully while practicing in a college dorm. The circuit is designed with a LM386 chip and using the standard guitar foot pedal button, a musician is able to bypass the amp and hear the raw input (if it’s loud enough!). The amp also works as a converter from any electric instrument that uses a ¼” plug and can connect to ¼” output which can include headphones, speakers, or computer sound recorders!

Breadboard ALU

Breadboarded an 8-bit ALU using 1-bit adder chips, quad package AND, OR, XOR, and NOT gates. The AND output showed on the red LEDs, OR on the green, and the output of an adder on the blue LEDs on the leftmost breadboard. The last photo shows a full ALU complete with two 8-bit inputs, negation, and a choice of output for either AND, OR, or ADD.

FPGA: Seven Segment Display Animation

I programed a FPGA using VDHL to play a chase animation (where one segment of the seven seg moves at a time and appears to be moving around) saved in ROM. Documentation can be found here!

Breadboard Comparator

I created a 2-bit comparator on a breadboard. Documentation can be found here!

Differential Amplifier

I breadboaded a differential amplifier to act as a feedback loop to stabalize signals from a pulse oximeter.

Project docs here!
8-bit Carry Select Adder

I designed a 8-bit carry select adder using the VLSI CAD tool, Cadence. Documentation can be found here!

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Battle Bots 2022: "Butane Bot"

I built a wooden flame thrower robot for Tufts Robotics Club Battle Bots in seven days. I designed the bot in Onshape. Get the CAD files here! I designed all the parts to be lasercuttable (and eventually be able to be waterjetted) for fast fabrication. The bot sprays butane by holding the nozzle in place with the face plate and pushing on the back of the can with a servo. Although during the competition we had to use an external flame source, in the Onshape file there are plans for a sparking mechanism harvested from bic lighters. More footage of the battle bots here!

Design for Fabrication: Human Powered Crane

The final project for ME93: Design for Fabrication, the goal was to build a one-person operatable "crane" which operated within a 48 in machine zone and could lift a 30lb box with a person in it. I built and designed this crane the weekend before my senior spring finals in about 22 hours across 48 hours! [The first photo credits go to Alonso Nichols/Tufts University]

Electric Violin

This is a laser cut violin with built-in pick up. This is a fully functioning electric violin, complete with standard strings and tuners. I designed in Autodesk Inventor and manufactured over two days using a laser cutter, wood glue, and a lot of clamps. Overall it has a really good sound quality and holds a tune very well.


This is a model of a demo robot made of parts for the Spike Prime LEGO kit. This was made in Summer 2020 as part of my internship at CEEO, partnered with LEGO. These parts were also made with my partner Owen Gervais and are available publicly on the Onshape Public libraries. The entire SPIKE PRIME LEGO part kit can be found here!

Car Launcher

This is a car launcher I made for my design for fabrication (DFF) class! It has a trigger force to launch force ratio of about 8 and launches with a force of nearly 55N. The initial iteration is fully replicatable using a single 12x24 sheet of 3 mm birch, while the final iteration uses a custom lathed part that the trigger is attached to. CAD model avaliable here!

Mechanism Box

This is a puzzle ball designed and fabricated for the course "Design for Fabrication" meeting the following propoerties:

  • Design and fabricate a spherical puzzle similar to the Perplexus
  • The puzzle should contain a total of at least 15 puzzle stages
CAD model avaliable here!

Escapement (Clock Mechanism)

NOT A CLOCK! This mechanism is one way to covert gravitational potential to a constant velocity on the top wheel (second photo). CAD model avaliable here!

Mechanism Box

This is a puzzle box designed and fabricated for the course "Design for Fabrication" meeting the following propoerties:

  • When you push rod A into the box, rod B moves into the box in a symmetrical fashion. When you pull A out, B emerges too.
  • Rods A and B cannot be removed
  • The mechanism should be durable when exposed to kids.
CAD model avaliable here!

Lasercut Chess Set

This is a fully laser cut chess set that is the traditional tournament size. This set was modeled in just under two hours and is made for 3 mm acrylic. Get the CAD files here!

Water Jet Heart-Bottle Openers

This is a pair of water-jetted Heart-Bottle openers cut out of 1/10 inch alumium cut on a Wazer waterjet.

Assistive Technology Hackathon

This is a bilateral sander designed for Imago Rehab during the 7-day Tufts Assistive Technology Hackathon (2022). This design won best in category. This was was designed to assist stroke victims throughout their recovery process. There are three main parts: the “sanding block” with handles where a patient can hold or lean on, the track to guide the sanding block, and the tilted base with multiple steepness options. Further documentation can be found here in the build guide!

Custom Keypad for osu!

CAD and schematic plans to build a custom keyboard made specifically for the game osu!. The keycaps modeled after Outemu Reds, and I custom designed the keycaps and circuit. The final assembly on the first page shows just the aluminum backplate, switches, and keycaps without the PCB housing body. This was modeled in Autodesk Inventor and the schematic drawn in KiCAD. Project Documents found here!


This is a 3D printed box to hold my dearly beloved metal chopsticks. I designed this in Autodesk Inventor and 3D printed it using an Ultimaker 3.

Inspector Hat

This is a model of a Ellis Island Inspector hat from 1892 to 1954 made in Autodesk Maya. This model includes a modeled knot. This model was also for the larger project: Here!

Hand Modeling in Maya

I modeled, rigged, and animated this hand in Autodesk Maya. In the video, the hand signs ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘L’, ‘L’, ‘O’ in ASL. The photo shows the joint rigging in the model.


  • Flowers

    Graphite 18x24. March 2018.

  • Apartment

    Digital: iPad 8 with Apple Pencil Gen 1. July 2021.

  • Self Portrait

    Graphite 18x24. March 2018.

  • Sophia

    Digital: Wacom in Autodesk Sketchbook. January 2017.

  • Tan

    Digital: Wacom in Autodesk Sketchbook. May 2018.

  • Someone

    Graphite 5x7. June 2018.

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